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5 Stages of a Successful Digital Safety Program

Investing in new technology can be a daunting task. Whether you’re considering moving from paper to digital, or simply upgrading your current system, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re making the best decision for your business.

What’s Inside:

  1. When’s the right time to go digital
  2. What’s involved in the buying process
  3. What’s needed for worker adoption
  4. How to optimize your digital solution
  5. What to expect post rollout
The real value in SALUS is in the team behind it. Their team members are great at their jobs and are with you through the entire process.
Safety Officer @ Hestia Construction Inc.

A sneak peek AT what you’ll learn


1. Knowing It’s Time to Make a Change

The first step is recognizing that it’s time to make a change in your safety program. Like any major decision, that starts with assessing your needs. What do you want your safety program to achieve? What’s stopping you from getting there? There’s a few key markers you can use to determine if it’s time for your safety program to get an upgrade.


2. Finding The Missing Piece

With so many safety management platforms out there, where do you start? When it comes to digital safety, you should look for a long-term partner that aligns with your business goals. Someone that prioritizes innovation and growth, but will be there to facilitate your onboarding and provide continuous support.


3. Creating A Winning Rollout

Adoption is the biggest challenge a business faces when it comes to implementing technology. Especially in this industry. In order to make the most out of your safety platform you’ll need to focus on getting your employees on board with these changes. The best way to achieve this is by implementing solutions that don’t interrupt already established workflows, making daily tasks and jobs easier, faster, and more enjoyable.


4. Using Technology to Innovate Safety

Once you’ve done the work of getting your safety software up and running, don’t let it go to waste! The true benefit of digital safety is that it provides ongoing opportunity for innovation. Remember that no matter how great your software is, there is always room to improve. Look for ways to push its boundaries and discover unique ways you can use it to break up complacency in your organization.


5. Building the Future of Digital Safety

Not only are you witnessing the industry go through a digital transformation, but you’re on the front lines of making it happen. While technology has already made massive improvements in safety management, its potential is nowhere near maximized. Implementing safety software today can mean huge opportunities for your business in the future.



Schedule custom maintenance reminders.

Populate your asset profiles and start building a preventative maintenance schedule to improve visibility and reduce equipment downtime.

Create, submit, and manage maintenance forms.

Stay on top of your equipment’s health with easy-to-use digital maintenance forms.


Reduce Fear of Liability

Find Your Safety Partner

Identify A Safety Champion

Make Safety Manageable